In the magical depths of the ocean, Sinta the sea anemone teaches us the secret of the heart chakra, woven through a tale of symbiotic relationships. As Sinta shares the ocean with their friends, they show us how to protect our community and care for one another without causing harm. When we share and connect with nature, our heart’s green glow grows brighter, filling us with love for all living things.
Book 3
Hermie is a story about a hermit crab who goes on an expedition to find a new home. In this book, Hermie represents the root chakra that is associated with our sense of security and instincts for survival. As Hermie gets distracted by the big world in the ocean, we observe his search for a family that provides safety and love. Hermie teaches us that we make the choices for our life and that happiness comes from within.
Book 2
Ashta is more than a story about an octopus. As we explore her home in the ocean, she introduces us to the philosophy of yoga. Ashta represents the crown chakra, the center of creativity and wisdom. Throughout this children’s book, we learn about her natural intelligence and how she adapts to the changing world around her. Ashta teaches us that meditation helps us achieve our greatest potential, while reminding us of the connection we share with all living things through love.
Book 1