"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."

- Lao Tzu.

This quote speaks to the power and efficiency of the natural world, and can be applied to discussions of technology and the future. Just as nature works at its own pace to achieve its goals, we should not be in a rush to force technology to do things that we are not ready for. Instead, we should use technology to enhance and support the natural world, so that both can flourish together in a sustainable way for tomorrow.

TwinFlame Ventures, LLC (TFV) has partnered with AT&T, University STEM Academy, and BIG City Studios to bring back our Nature, Technology and Tomorrow Initiative.  We believe that the innovative incorporation of technology through conservation programs can enhance our mission of training youth and unlock their creativity and inventiveness. The rapid adoption of cellular broadband and cloud computing has created new opportunities for our young citizens to interact and learn within their environment.

This initiative aims to directly enhance the user’s outdoor experience in particular. Our vision is to focus on the synergy of nature and technology to help our citizens transition into a sustainable future. TFV will engage students with multi-use web application platforms and experiential field trips.  Field trips are great examples of experiential learning. Not only do they provide a way for students to get out of the classroom, but it helps to reinforce what they’re learning in the classroom and peaks their interests in education.

Conscious Coding is the fun way to learn programming and develop problem-solving & critical thinking skills. Our new bundles include live expert coaching to get your child off to a fast, confident start.  We foster STEM identity which has been shown to have a powerful role in an individual’s success in educational environments, as well as on their career goals and trajectories. Historically, however, STEM identity formation for underrepresented students has been hampered by the lack of representation of in STEM fields, which predominantly consist of white males. One educational challenge is diversifying STEM classrooms, both in terms of the students themselves and also in terms of the science and scientists they learn about.

Math Enrichment - We will learn Foundation Math – an 8-course path starts with Logic and builds up to fundamentals of algebra and geometry. We will also explore everyday mathematical concepts.  Our math journey starts with fractions, percents, and ratios in everyday contexts. Interactive problems and intuitive visuals will help you see numeric quantities and their relationships in a new light.   By revisiting topics ranging from fractions and number lines to geometric shapes and exponents, we will reinforce the foundations of our mathematical knowledge and sharpen our problem solving strategies.

This course empowers students to continue pursuing their STEM learning goals with mathematical readiness and renewed confidence.